Defenders of freedom
BrushBuck owners Amber Peters and Adam Lackner are all military veterans making this non-profit near and dear to our hearts. This non-profit continually puts together fundraisers to raise money for veterans who need assistance financially, mentally, or while deployed anywhere in the world.
Interested in donating? Visit their website to find out how you can help! defendersoffreedom.us
Wounded Warrior Project
The Wounded Warrior Project is a non-profit that helps veterans to get through difficult situations. This non-profit fills in the gaps that veterans may have in medical care, life expenses, or even career help. We have taken many of these trips out into Yellowstone and they are incredibly fun!
If you are interested in donating please visit their website by clicking here: www.woundedwarriorproject.org
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
We have chosen St. Jude as a place to donate due to the ground breaking research that gives children with difficult medical conditions their best opportunity at recovery.
St. Jude needs your help! Donate today: www.stjude.org
Make a Wish Foundation
Make A Wish has provided kids with life threatening conditions a way to have a dream come true. BrushBuck Wildlife Tours has provided many children an outlet into the wilderness to see whatever they would like to see with their family. Most requests are to see a wolf or grizzly bear in the wild. Our BrushBuck staff find these trips to be some of the most rewarding trips all year as we know we have impacted the life of a child and family through wildlife education forever.
Donate to Make A Wish by clicking here: wish.org/about-us
Yellowstone Wolf Project
Wolves are without a doubt one of the most political issues we face in the west. The Yellowstone Wolf Project works tirelessly putting in over 6,000 volunteer hours a year to let science based research help us manage wolves for years to come. This non-profit allows us as a guide service to provide you, the customer, with the most up to date information on what is happening with Yellowstone wolf packs. Donations are used for expenses such as gas, employee wages, research flights, and gps radio collars.
You can donate by visiting their website here: www.ypf.org
Audobon Society
WE. LOVE. BIRDS! Its that simple. Audubon Society is focused on preserving habitat for birds and educating people through its many outreach programs. Birds also provide a daily window into nature in everyone’s backyard.
Visit the Audubon Society to find out about your local chapter and donate today! www.audubon.org
We have chosen this non-profit due to the extreme rise in the rhinoceros poaching epidemic happening in Africa. In 2008 there were an estimated 83 rhinos poached in South Africa, as of 2014 the number has skyrocketed to 1,215 rhinos. Wildlife must be protected for future generations and this nonprofit is working to ensure that it is.
Please donate by clicking here: StopRhinoPoaching.com
Northrise University, Zambia, Africa
BrushBuck Wildlife Tours is proud to donate to Northrise University. By donating to education we empower local Zambians to create jobs which in turn will curve the poaching epidemic. Poaching in Africa is at an all time high and one of the main underlying factors is extreme poverty. When people have no option for jobs they turn to any means necessary to feed themselves and their families.
By creating jobs through education and tourism we are giving these people a choice to have better lives and to have pride in their local heritage and region.